Running Saturdays starting April 17 and running through July 24 (No class on June 12) from Noon - 1:30 PM Tucson Time (MST)
The sublime states of friendliness, compassion, joy, and equanimity are collectively known as the Brahma Viharas, or the Four Immeasurables. Taught by both the Buddha and the yoga-sage Patanjali, these qualities of true love can lead to a deep, abiding sense of intimacy and inner peace.
While metta-bhavana, or as it is popularly called, “loving-kindness meditation” has become quite popular, the other three immeasurables do not often get the attention they deserve yet all four together make up a comprehensive, fully integrated practice of liberation, opening and expanding the heartmind. When entered into as a full path, the cultivation of the Immeasurables functions as both concentration and insight practice.
Join me in this deep dive exploration of the Four Immeasurables where we will investigate and practice ways of cultivating our inherent capacity to receive and offer unconditional love, first to ourselves, and then to all beings. When suffused with this love, our true body is seen to be the unbounded universe itself.
Apr 17: Remembering the Good Apr 24: Benefits of Connection May 1: Hindrances to Love May 8: Working with Difficulty May 15: Solidarity May 22: True Compassion May 29: Relating to Those Who Cause Pain June 5: Sympathetic Joy June 12: Gratitude June 26: Equanimity and it's Near Enemy July 3: Embrace Reality July 10: Sharing With All Beings July 17: The Gift of Ethics July 24: The Beginning Is In The Ending
Tuition: This course is offered on a sliding scale and on an honor system. Please offer what you can afford. Tuition includes fourteen 90-minute weekly group meetings PLUS weekly recorded guided meditations that you will get to keep! Sliding Fee: $100- $200. No one turned away for financial reasons. Contact me directly if you are sincere in wishing to participate. Tuition can be paid in installments upon request.
TO REGISTER: Payment can be made through Pay Pal link on the Dana Page NOTE!!!! PLEASE if you've the option, include a note that payment is to register for "BOUNDLESS BODY"